
  • The University of Texas Medical School at Houston, MD (2005)
  • Texas A&M University, BA Biology (2001)


Post-Doctoral Training

  • Endovascular Fellow, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (2011-2012)
  • Clinical Vascular Fellow, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (2010-2011)
  • Clinical Instructor/General Surgery Residency, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (2006-2010)
  • General Surgery Internship, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School (2005-2006)

Board Certifications

  • Vascular Surgery: American Board of Surgery


Other Certifications

  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)


Medical Licensures

  • Texas Medical Board

Professional Societies

  • American Medical Association
  • CLI Global Society – Revascularization Committee Member
  • Society of Vascular Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons
  • Parkland Surgical Society

Hospital Appointments

  • Director of Aortic Therapy and Innovation, Baylor Scott and White Heart Hospital Plano (2022-Present)


Academic Appointments

  • The University of Texas Dell Medical School Assistant Professor of Surgery and Perioperative Care (2016-2022)
  • The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Clinical Instructor Vascular Surgery (July 2010 – June 2012)

  • America’s 200 Best Vascular Surgeons, Newsweek Magazine, June 2024
  • Super Doctors in Vascular Surgery, Texas Monthly Magazine, December 2016-2024
  • Best in Vascular Surgery, Austin Monthly Magazine, January 2020-2021
  • Texas Rising Star in Vascular Surgery, Texas Monthly Magazine, June 2015
  • Texas Rising Star in Vascular Surgery, Texas Monthly Magazine, June 2014
  • Texas Rising Star in Vascular Surgery, Texas Monthly Magazine, June 2013
  • Guest Speaker, International Experts Forum, LINC Conference, Germany, January 2013
  • Fellow Academic Teaching Award, UTSW, Dallas, TX, June 2012
  • Resident Academic Teaching Award, UTSW, Dallas, TX, June 2010
  • Resident Academic Excellence Award, Dallas, TX, June 2005, 2006, 2007
  • Anatomy Teaching Instructor, Houston, TX, May 2003
  • Magna Cum Laude Graduate, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 2001
  • College of Science, Faculty Achievement Award, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 2001
  • College of Science, Outstanding Biology Graduate, Texas A&M University, TX, May 2001
  • College of Science, Deans List for Academic Achievement, Texas A&M University, TX, August 1997 – May 2001
  • College of Science, Distinguished Students List, Texas A&M University, TX, May 2000
  • National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 2000
  • Tau Kappa Junior Honor Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 1999
  • Lambda Sigma Sophomore Honor Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 1998
  • Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 1998
  • Golden Key National Honor Society, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, May 1999

Lectures & Presentations

  • The University of Texas Southwestern, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds. Secondary Infections of Aortic Endografts. Dallas, Texas. January, 2010.
  • The University of Texas Southwestern, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds. Visceral Artery Aneurysms, Texas. January, 2011.
  • Society of Vascular Surgeons Annual Meeting. The Pathogenesis of Primary Aortoenteric Fistula After EVAR. Chicago, IL. June, 2012.
  • Austin Physician Assistants Association. Endovascular Advancement in Vascular Surgery. Austin, TX. November, 2012.
  • LINC Symposium. Carotid Stenting in a Modern Private Practice. Leipzig, Germany. January, 2013.
  • LINC Symposium. Use of the MICHI Flow Reversal System for Carotid Stenting in the patient with Complex Aortic Arch Anatomy. Leipzig, Germany. January, 2013.
  • Mended Hearts. Heart Hospital of Austin. Advancements in Endovascular Surgery. Austin, TX. April, 2013.
  • Austin Trauma and Critical Care Conference. Endovascular Repair of Peripheral Arterial Injuries. Austin, TX. May, 2013.
  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Advancements in Peripheral Arterial Crossing Techniques. Las Vegas, NV. March, 2014.
  • Terumo. Advancements in Endovascular Surgery, A Surgeons perspective. Phoenix, AZ. September, 2014.
  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Crossing Techniques. San Antonio, TX. January, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. Pedal Access in the Treatment of Advanced Peripheral Artery Disease. Scottsdale AZ. March, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Heart Hospital of Austin. Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Advanced Treatment of SFA Disease. Terumo. Palm Springs, CA. June, 2015.
  • Society of Vascular Surgery Annual Meeting. Use of MICHI Flow Reversal System in Carotid Stenting. Chicago, IL. June 18 – 21, 2015.
  • Citizens Healthcare Cardiology Grand Rounds. Advanced Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Victoria, TX. August 4, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Lubbock, TX. September, 2015.
  • SAWC Fall Meeting. Peripheral Arterial Disease, The Diagnosis and Management. Las Vegas, NV. September 26-28, 2015.
  • VIVA, EndoAnchors Enhance Treatment Of Aortic Aneurysms: Experience In A Community Hospital, Las Vegas, NV. November 4, 2015.
  • Texas Vascular and Endovascular Society Annual Meeting, Superlative Results with Transcarotid Artery Revascularizaion. San Antonio, TX. Nov 6, 2015.
  • Veith Symposium. Complex AAA Repair (FEVAR, CHEVAR) in a Community Practice, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. New York, NY. November 16 – 21, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Scottsdale, AZ. December, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Dallas, Texas. February, 2016.
  • Dell Medical School, The University of Texas. Cardiovascular Conference. Physician-assembled Endografts for the treatment of TAAA. Austin, TX. March, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Houston, TX. March, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Endoanchors in the Treatment of Hostile Neck Anatomy. Oklahoma City, OK. April, 2016
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Denver, CO. April, 2016.
  • Universita Tor Vergata, Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Milan, Italy, July 2016.
  • Universita Tor Padova, Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Rome, Italy, July 2016.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. St. Louis, Missouri, August, 2016.
  • Western Vascular Society Annual Meeting, Stroke Rates with Transcarotid Artery Revascularization with Hgh-Rate Flow Reversal Embolic Protection are comparable with Standard Risk Carotid Endarterectomy. Colorado Springs, CO, September 2016.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. The Treatment of Complex Aortic Anatomy in a Community Vascular Practice. New York, NY, November, 2016.
  • Knapp Medical Conference. Wound Management in the setting of Early Revascularization for patients with CLI. South Padre Island, TX,. April 2016.
  • Knapp Medical Conference. Endovascular Management of Complex Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms.. South Padre Island, TX,. April 2016.
  • University of Texas San Antonio. Endovascular Management of Complex Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms. San Antonio TX,. September 2017.
  • Medtronic’s Meeting of the Minds. The use of Endoanchors for the Treatment of Hostile Neck in AAA repair. Austin, TX. May 2017.
  • UC San Diego. Vascular Conference. The Novel Use of Lutonix DCB for AV Access Maintenance. San Diego, CA. October, 2017.
  • UCLA Harbor View. Vascular Conference. The Novel Use of Lutonix DCB for AV Access Maintenance. Los Angeles, CA. October, 2017.
  • SAWC Fall Meeting. Peripheral Arterial Disease, The Diagnosis and Management. Las Vegas, NV. October, 2015.
  • Medtronic’s Meeting of the Minds. The use of Endoanchors for the Treatment of Hostile Neck in AAA repair. Austin, TX. October, 2017.
  • Terumo. Advancements in Endovascular PAD Surgery, A Surgeons perspective. Phoenix, AZ. January, 2017.
  • LINC 2018. Transcarotid Stenting with Flow Reverse Flow Neuroproctection is a safe and effective alternative to CEA for High-Risk Patients. Leipzig, Germany. January 31st, 2018
  • Charring Cross Symposium.. Transcarotid Stenting with Flow Reverse Flow Neuroproctection is a safe and effective alternative to CEA for High-Risk Patients. London, England April 24th, 2018.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. The Treatment of complex TYPE II Endoleaks after EVAR, Transcaval Approaches. New York, NY, November, 2019.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. Application of Mechanical Aspiration in with Penumbras Indigo in the Setting of Scute Lower Ext Ischemia. New York, NY, November 2019.
  • Western Vascular Society Meeting. Early Experience with the TREO stent graft for AAA. Webinar, October 2020.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. Treatment of Type 1A Endoleaks with Penumbra Ruby Coils. Orlando, FL, November 2021.
  • VESS Meeting. Treating Complex Aortic Pathologies with Terumo Relay Graft. Aspen, CO, January 2021.
  • Clinical Society of Vascular Surgeons. Treat of Complex Thoracic Aortic Pathology. Las Vegas, NV, March 2022
  • Ritter Foundation. Endovascular Techniques for Descending Aortic Dissection’s. The Heart Hospital of Plano. Plano, Texas, September 2022.
  • International Aortic Symposium. Endovascular treatment of Complex AAA Anatomy. Aruba, October 2022.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. Treatment of Type 1A Endoleak’s with Coils New York, NY, November 2022.
  • Dallas CV Updates Symposium. Treatment of the Paravisceral Aorta from an Endovascular Approach. Plano, Texas. February 2023.
  • Cardiovascular Innovations Conference. Transcervical Carotid Stenting, Will it Change Our Practice? Austin, Texas. July 2023.
  • Texas Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons Annual Meeting. Successful Repair of Syphilitic Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm. Houston, Texas November 2023.
  • Texas Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons Annual Meeting, Hybrid Repair of a Non-retro-esophageal Aberrant Subclavian Kommerell’s Diverticulum with Branched Graft. Houston, Texas. November 2023.
  • UCSF/USP Vascular Symposium. FB-EVAR Rescue of Previous Open TAAA. Sao Paulo, BR, December,2023.
  • TED Conference. EVAR is the Treatment of Choice for Ruptured AAA. Chimney, Snorkel are Easier and Simpler Repairs for TAAA’s. Scottsdale, Az, February 17, 2024.
  • Texas Surgical Society Meeting, Outcomes of Zpne 0 Tevar/Hybrid Arch Repair Compared to Open Arch Repair. Waco, Texas. April 5-7th, 2024.
  • Charring Cross Symposium. TREO Abdominal Stent Graft System. Ideal Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms and Future Applications. London, England. April 24th, 2024.
  • Cardiovascular Innovations. How I Perform PMEG’s without and IDE. Denver, CO. July 18th, 2024.


Training Courses

  • Angioscore. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. February, 2013.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. March, 2013.
  • Volcano. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) IVUS in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. April, 2013.
  • Endologix. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2013.
  • Terumo. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous Large Bore Access and EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. June, 2013.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. July, 2013.
  • Endologix. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. August, 2013.
  • Cook Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Drug Eluting Stent Technology. Training Course, Austin, TX. September, 2013.
  • Angioscore. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2013.
  • Atrium. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Complex Aortoiliac Iliac Recanalization with Balloon Expandable Stents. Austin, TX. November, 2013.
  • Aptus Endosystems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The use of Endoanchors for the Treatment of Complex Neck Anatomy for PEVAR. Austin, TX. January, 2014.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. February, 2014.
  • Volcano. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) IVUS in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. March, 2014.
  • Endologix. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. April, 2014.
  • Angioscore. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2014.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. June, 2014.
  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Pedal Access Techniques, Cadaver Lab. San Francisco, CA. July, 2014.
  • Terumo. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous Large Bore Access and EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. August, 2014.
  • Volcano. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) IVUS in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. September, 2014.
  • Cook Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Drug Eluting Stent Technology. Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2014.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Heart Hospital of Austin. Austin, TX. November, 2014.
  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Pedal Access Techniques, Cadaver Lab. San Francisco, CA. November 2014.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. January, 2014.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. February, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Heart Hospital of Austin. Austin, TX. February, 2015.
  • Atrium. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Complex Aortoiliac Iliac Recanalization with Balloon Expandable Stents. Austin, TX. March, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. April, 2015.
  • Gore Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease with use of Viabahn Stents. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Gore Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Heart Hospital of Austin. Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. June, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. June, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. July, 2015.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. July, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. August, 2015.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. August, 2015.
  • Silk Road Medical. Transcarotid Revascularization with Flow Reversal Carotid Stenting. (OR). Training Course, Austin, TX. August, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. September, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. September, 2015.
  • Silk Road Medical. Transcarotid Revascularization with Flow Reversal Carotid Stenting. (OR). Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. November, 2015.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. November, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. December, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. December, 2015.Abbott. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Supera Stent Technology. Training Course, Austin, TX. December, 2015.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. January, 2016.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. January, 2016.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. February , 2016.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. February , 2016.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. February, 2016.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomt in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease Training. Course, Austin, TX. March, 2016.
  • Spectranectics. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease using Laser Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. March, 2016.
  • Abbott. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Supera Stent Technology. Training Course, Austin, TX. April, 2016.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomt in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease Training. Course, Austin, TX. April, 2016.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2016.
  • Silk Road Medical. Transcarotid Revascularization with Flow Reversal Carotid Stenting. (OR). Training Course, Austin, TX. June, 2016.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. July, 2016.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. October, 2016.
  • Abbott. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease and Supera Stent Technology. Training Course, Austin, TX. November, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. February , 2017.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripherall Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. March, 2017.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. May, 2017.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancement in the Treatmet of PAD and Wound Care. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2017.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Orbital Atherectomy in the Treatment of Peripherall Artery Disease. Training Course, Austin, TX. Sep, 2017.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. Jan, 2018.
  • Terumo. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Percutaneous Large Bore Access and EVAR. Training Course, Austin, TX. Feb, 2018.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. March, 2018.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. May, 2018.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Sep, 2018.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs,(OR, CATH,  Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Nov, 2018.
  • Terumo. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Complex Lower Ext Intervention. Training Course, Austin, TX. Jan, 2019.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Jan, 2019.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. Feb, 2019.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. Mar, 2019.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancement in the Treatmet of PAD and Wound Care. Training Course, Austin, TX. Apr, 2019.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. May, 2019.
  • Terumo Aortic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs,(OR, CATH,  Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Jun, 2019.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. Jun, 2019.
  • Terumo. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Complex Lower Ext Intervention. Training Course, Austin, TX. Jun, 2019.
  • Medtronic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Jun, 2019.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancement in the Treatmet of PAD   and Wound Care. Training Course, Austin, TX. Jul, 2019.
  • Terumo. Approaches to the Treatment of Complex Endoleaks.(OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Jul, 2019.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. Sep, 2019.
  • Cardiovascular Systems. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) Advancement in the Treatmet of PAD and Wound Care. Training Course, Austin, TX. Nov, 2019.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec, 2019.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. Dec, 2019.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec, 2019.
  • Terumo Aortic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs,(OR, CATH,  Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Jan, 2020.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Feb, 2020.
  • Silkroad Medical. (OR, Teleconf) TEST Drive, Introduction to TCAR with Flow Reversal. Training Course, Chicago, IL. Mar, 2020.
  • C.R. Bard. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex PAD with Rotorex Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Mar, 2020.
  • C.R. Bard. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex PAD with Rotorex Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Sep, 2020.
  • C.R. Bard. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex PAD with Rotorex Atherectomy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec. 2020.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec, 2020.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. Mar, 2021.
  • Terumo Aortic. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs,(OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Mar, 2021.
  • Gore Medical. Percutaneous EVAR and Complex Thoracic Aortic Repairs. (OR, CATH, Teleconf). Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec, 2019.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. Dec, 2021.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Austin, TX. Mar, 2022.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Austin, TX. Mar, 2022.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, Lake Tahoe, CA. Mar, 2023.
  • Shockwave Medical. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex Calcified PAD with Lithotripsy. Training Course, San Diego, CA. May, 2023.
  • C.R. Bard. (OR, CATH, Teleconf) The Treatment of Complex PAD with Rotorex Atherectomy. Training Course, Dallas, TX. May. 2023.
  • Penumbra.(OR, CATH, Teleconf) Transcaval Coil Embolization of Endoleaks. Training Course, Dallas, TX. May, 2023.


WL Gore 


February 2024 


Status: Enrolling 

Post Market registry collecting real world, post-approval safety, performance, patient reported outcomes and health economic data on patients treated with Terumo Aortic endovascular stent-grafts in standard clinical practice.



Silkroad Medical


May 2023

Principal Investigator 

Status: Enrolling 

This is an open label, single arm, multi-center post-approval study for the treatment of patients at standard risk for adverse events from carotid endarterectomy who require carotid revascularization and who are eligible for treatment using the ENROUTE Transcarotid Stent System and the ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System. The study will enroll a maximum of 400 patients treated per protocol at 30-60 sites in the United States.



Micro Medical


January 2021

Principal Investigator

Status: Enrolling 

Randomized multicenter clinical trial consisting of two arms; one arm treated with PTA plus the MicroStent® System and one arm treated with PTA alone. Purpose to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of using the MicroStent® Peripheral Vascular Stent System, hereafter referred to as the MicroStent® System, for the treatment of infrapopliteal lesions in subjects with peripheral arterial disease.



Shockwave Medical 


January 2021

Principal Investigator 

Status: Enrolling 

To assess the continued safety, effectiveness, and optimal clinical use of the Shockwave Medical Peripheral IVL System for the treatment of calcified, stenotic BTK arteries. Post-market, prospective , multi-center, single-arm study.



Silk Road Medical 

January 2021

Principal Investigator

Status: SIV

The ENROUTE Transcarotid NPS has received CE Mark and is commercially available in the European Union. The ENROUTE Transcarotid NPS may be used in conjunction with carotid artery stent approved for revascularization in patients with carotid disease in the context of this study.This is a prospective, single-arm, multi-center clinical trial of the ENROUTE Transcarotid NPS in conjunction with all commercially approved carotid artery stents used for revascularization in patients with carotid disease.The goal of this study is to evaluate the incidence of post procedure DW-MRI lesions (relative to baseline) and debris captured in the ENROUTE Transcarotid NPS inline filter during a transcarotid stenting procedure.



Terumo Aortic

TREO Registry 

December 2020

Principal Investigator

Status: Actively Recruiting 

Post Market registry collecting real world, post-approval safety, performance, patient reported outcomes and health economic data on patients treated with Terumo Aortic endovascular stent-grafts in standard clinical practice.



Terumo Aortic 


November 2020


Status: Actively Recruiting

This clinical trial is a prospective, multicenter, non-blinded, non-randomized study designed to assess the RelayPro thoracic endografts in the treatment of acute, complicated type B aortic dissection. The primary endpoint will measure all-cause mortality at 30 days post-procedure.



C.R. Bard 

MONARCH Registry 

April 2020

Principal Investigator 

Status: Actively Enrolling 

The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the performance and safety of the Caterpillar™ Arterial Embolization Device when used for arterial embolization in the peripheral vasculature in a real world, on-label application.



Terumo Medical Corporation


August 2019

National Principal Investigator 

Status: Actively Recruiting

The Cross-Seal device is a VCD intended for use in catheterization laboratories following percutaneous cardiac or peripheral procedures that use the retrograde common femoral artery access route for large bore (8‐18F ID) interventional devices. The function of Cross-Seal is to percutaneously close the puncture in the artery wall (arteriotomy) through which the catheters were inserted for the procedure. The study is being conducted to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of Cross-Seal in achieving hemostasis in femoral arterial access sites in subjects undergoing percutaneous transcatheter interventional procedures using a large-bore procedure sheath.



C.R. Bard 


January 2019

Principal Investigator 

Status: Actively Enrolling 

The registry is a prospective, multi-center, single-arm, real-world study to assess the clinical use of the Bard® UltraScore™ Focused Force PTA balloon for the treatment of stenotic lesions of the superficial femoral artery (SFA), popliteal artery, and infra-popliteal arteries (posterior tibial, anterior tibial and peroneal arteries). Follow-up for all treated subjects will be performed at hospital discharge, 30 days, and 6 and 12 months post-index procedure.



August 2019

Cardio Flow, Inc

Principal Investigator 

Status: Actively Recruiting 

To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Cardio Flow FreedomFlow™ Orbital Circumferential Atherectomy System for atherosclerotic plaque removal and vessel compliance modification in de novo native target lesions in the peripheral vasculature of the lower extremities.



W.L. Gore and Associates 


March 2018 

Principle Investigator 

Status: Actively Recruiting 

This is a prospective, non-randomized study designed to assess the feasibility of the TAMBE Device in the treatment of patients with aortic aneurysms involving the visceral branch vessels. A maximum of 10 Subjects will be treated under this Protocol. This clinical study will include up to six sites in the US. Each enrolled subject will undergo periodic follow-up evaluations involving physical exams, contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of chest, abdomen and pelvis, creatinine measurement, abdominal ultrasound (optional) at specific, protocol-defined intervals for a period of five years following the GORE® EXCLUDER® Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis implant.



Medtronic Endovascular    

February  2018  

Principal Investigator

Status: Closed

Placement of the Aptus Heli-FX™ EndoAnchor System in subjects for the prevention of graft    migration and the treatment of Type Ia endoleak or Aptus Heli-FX EndoAnchor System placed at the time of initial endograft implantation, either to prevent endograft migration and Type Ia endoleak, or to treat Type Ia endoleak evident at the time of implantation.



W.L. Gore and Associates 


February 2017


Status: Recruitment Pause

The objective of this study is to determine whether the GORE® TAG® Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis is safe and effective in treating lesions of the aortic arch and descending thoracic aorta



Silk Road Medical

ROADSTER 2 Registry 

Principal Investigator 

November 2015 

Principle Investigator 

Status: Closed 

The ROADSTER 2 Registry is intended to evaluate real world usage of the ENROUTE Transcarotid Stent when used with the ENROUTE Transcarotid Neuroprotection System by physicians of varying experience transcarotid technique.



July 2015


Status: Closed

This research study is designed to assess the safety and effectiveness of an experimental drug called vonapanitase (PRT-201) in patients who have chronic kidney disease and who are undergoing surgery to create a new access point to their bloodstream for hemodialysis.



Medtronic Medical


June 2015


Status: Closed

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the Endurant Evo AAA stent graft system is safe and effective for endovascular treatment of infrarenal abdominal aortic or aortoiliac aneurysms



National Institutes of Health

CREST 2 Study

February 2015

Principal Investigator 

Status: Closed

Carotid revascularization for primary prevention of stroke (CREST-2) in two multicenter, randomized controlled trials of carotid revascularization and intensive medical management versus medical management alone in patients with asymptomatic high-grade carotid stenosis. One trial will randomize patients in a 1:1 ratio to endarterectomy versus no endarterectomy and another will randomize patients in a 1:1 ratio to carotid stenting with embolic protection versus no stenting.



National Institutes of Health

The CREST-2 Companion Registry (C2R)

February 2015

Principal Investigator

Status: Closed

The objective of the CREST-2 Registry is to promote the rapid initiation and completion of enrollment in the CREST-2 randomized clinical trial ( ID NCT02089217). results from the CREST-2 randomized clinical trial.


Cardiovascular Systems

Observational Study to Evaluate PAD Treatment Clinical and Economic Outcomes LIBERTY

April 2015

Principal Investigator

Status: Closed

The purpose of this study is to evaluate acute and long-term clinical and economic outcomes of endovascular procedures to treat Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD).


W.L. Gore and Associates GREAT Outcomes Evaluation June 2014


Status: Closed

This is a prospective observational cohort Registry designed to obtain data on device performance and clinical outcomes of patients treated with Gore endovascular aortic products.


Multi-Center Registry for Peripheral Arterial Disease Interventions and Outcomes XLPAD

The University of Texas Southwestern July 2014

Principal Investigator

Status: Actively Recruiting

XLPAD is an observational study designed to evaluate the effectiveness and use of stent and non-stent based therapies among PAD patients. The study will create a registry that will include entry of procedural and clinical follow-up information into an online data collection software, REDCAP.

Outcomes Study for Thoracic Aortic Dissection Treatment with Thoracic Endograft Society of Vascular Surgeons

August 2014

Principal Investigator

Status: Closed

The purpose of this study is to evaluate outcomes of thoracic endografts in the treatment of sub-acute and chronic Type B thoracic aortic dissection


Silk Road Medical

Safety and Efficacy Study for Reverse Flow Used During Carotid Artery Stenting Procedure


June 2013

Principal Investigator

Status: Closed

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the MICHI™ Neuroprotection System with Filter (MICHI™ NPS+f) in providing cerebral embolic protection during carotid artery stenting. It will be used in conjunction with a FDA approved carotid artery stent for the treatment of carotid artery disease.



Cook Medical

VIVO Clinical Study

June 2013


Status: Closed

The purpose of the VIVO Clinical Study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Zilver® Vena™ Venous Stent in the treatment of symptomatic iliofemoral venous outflow obstruction.


  • The University of Texas Southwestern, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds. Secondary Infections of Aortic Endografts. Dallas, Texas. January, 2010.



  • The University of Texas Southwestern, Department of Surgery, Grand Rounds. Visceral Artery Aneurysms, Texas. January, 2011.



  • Society of Vascular Surgeons Annual Meeting. The Pathogenesis of Primary Aortoenteric Fistula After EVAR. Chicago, IL. June, 2012.
  • Austin Physician Assistants Association. Endovascular Advancement in Vascular Surgery. Austin, TX. November, 2012.



  • LINC Symposium. Carotid Stenting in a Modern Private Practice. Leipzig, Germany. January, 2013.
  • LINC Symposium. Use of the MICHI Flow Reversal System for Carotid Stenting in the patient with Complex Aortic Arch Anatomy. Leipzig, Germany. January, 2013.
  • Mended Hearts. Heart Hospital of Austin. Advancements in Endovascular Surgery. Austin, TX. April, 2013.
  • Austin Trauma and Critical Care Conference. Endovascular Repair of Peripheral Arterial Injuries. Austin, TX. May, 2013



  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Advancements in Peripheral Arterial Crossing Techniques. Las Vegas, NV. March, 2014.
  • Terumo. Advancements in Endovascular Surgery, A Surgeons perspective. Phoenix, AZ. September, 2014.



  • Calcium Summit, Cardiovascular Systems. Advancements in the Treatment of Peripheral Arterial Crossing Techniques. San Antonio, TX. January, 2015
  • Cardiovascular Systems. Pedal Access in the Treatment of Advanced Peripheral Artery Disease. Scottsdale AZ. March, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Heart Hospital of Austin. Austin, TX. May, 2015.
  • Advanced Treatment of SFA Disease. Terumo. Palm Springs, CA. June, 2015.
  • Society of Vascular Surgery Annual Meeting. Use of MICHI Flow Reversal System in Carotid Stenting. Chicago, IL. June 18 – 21, 2015.
  • Citizens Healthcare Cardiology Grand Rounds. Advanced Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Victoria, TX. August 4, 2015.
  • Aortic Symposium. Advancements in the Percutaneous Treatment of Abdominal and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Repair. Lubbock, TX. September, 2015
  • SAWC Fall Meeting. Peripheral Arterial Disease, The Diagnosis and Management. Las Vegas, NV. September 26-28, 2015.
  • VIVA, EndoAnchors Enhance Treatment Of Aortic Aneurysms: Experience In A Community Hospital, Las Vegas, NV. November 4, 2015.
  • Texas Vascular and Endovascular Society Annual Meeting, Superlative Results with Transcarotid Artery Revascularizaion. San Antonio, TX. Nov 6, 2015.
  • Veith Symposium. Complex AAA Repair (FEVAR, CHEVAR) in a Community Practice, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. New York, NY. November 16 – 21, 2015.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Scottsdale, AZ. December, 2015.
  • SAWC Fall Meeting. Peripheral Arterial Disease, The Diagnosis and Management. Las Vegas, NV. October, 2015.



  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Dallas, Texas. February, 2016.
  • Dell Medical School, The University of Texas. Cardiovascular Conference. Physician-assembled Endografts for the treatment of TAAA. Austin, TX. March, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Houston, TX. March, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Endoanchors in the Treatment of Hostile Neck Anatomy. Oklahoma City, OK. April, 2016.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. Denver, CO. April, 2016.
  • Universita Tor Vergata, Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Milan, Italy, July 2016.
  • Universita Tor Padova, Advancements in the Treatment of Complex Aortic Pathology. Rome, Italy, July 2016.
  • Medtronic. Endonachors in the Treatment of Hostile Aortic Neck Anatomy. St. Louis, Missouri, August, 2016.
  • Western Vascular Society Annual Meeting, Stroke Rates with Transcarotid Artery Revascularization with Hgh-Rate Flow Reversal Embolic Protection are comparable with Standard Risk Carotid Endarterectomy. Colorado Springs, CO, September 2016.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. The Treatment of Complex Aortic Anatomy in a Community Vascular Practice. New York, NY, November, 2016.
  • Knapp Medical Conference. Wound Management in the setting of Early Revascularization for patients with CLI. South Padre Island, TX,. April 2016.
  • Knapp Medical Conference. Endovascular Management of Complex Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms.. South Padre Island, TX,. April 2016.



  • University of Texas San Antonio. Endovascular Management of Complex Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms. San Antonio TX,. September 2017.
  • Medtronic’s Meeting of the Minds. The use of Endoanchors for the Treatment of Hostile Neck in AAA repair. Austin, TX. May 2017.
  • UC San Diego. Vascular Conference. The Novel Use of Lutonix DCB for AV Access Maintenance. San Diego, CA. October, 2017.
  • UCLA Harbor View. Vascular Conference. The Novel Use of Lutonix DCB for AV Access Maintenance. Los Angeles, CA. October, 2017.
  • Medtronic’s Meeting of the Minds. The use of Endoanchors for the Treatment of Hostile Neck in AAA repair. Austin, TX. October, 2017.
  • Terumo. Advancements in Endovascular PAD Surgery, A Surgeons perspective. Phoenix, AZ. January, 2017.



  • LINC 2018. Transcarotid Stenting with Flow Reverse Flow Neuroproctection is a safe and effective alternative to CEA for High-Risk Patients. Leipzig, Germany. January 31st, 2018.
  • Charring Cross Symposium.. Transcarotid Stenting with Flow Reverse Flow Neuroproctection is a safe and effective alternative to CEA for High-Risk Patients. London, England April 24th, 2018.



  • Veith Annual Symposium. The Treatment of complex TYPE II Endoleaks after EVAR, Transcaval Approaches. New York, NY, November, 2019.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. Application of Mechanical Aspiration in with Penumbras Indigo in the Setting of Scute Lower Ext Ischemia. New York, NY, November 2019.



  • Western Vascular Society Meeting. Early Experience with the TREO stent graft for AAA. Webinar, October 2020.



  • Veith Annual Symposium. Treatment of Type 1A Endoleaks with Penumbra Ruby Coils. Orlando, FL, November 2021.
  • VESS Meeting. Treating Complex Aortic Pathologies with Terumo Relay Graft. Aspen, CO, January 2021.



  • Clinical Society of Vascular Surgeons. Treat of Complex Thoracic Aortic Pathology. Las Vegas, NV, March 2022.
  • Ritter Foundation. Endovascular Techniques for Descending Aortic Dissection’s. The Heart Hospital of Plano. Plano, Texas, September 2022. 
  • International Aortic Symposium. Endovascular treatment of Complex AAA Anatomy.   Aruba, October 2022.
  • Veith Annual Symposium. Treatment of Type 1A Endoleak’s with Coils. New York, NY, November 2022.



  • Dallas CV Updates Symposium. Treatment of the Paravisceral Aorta from an Endovascular Approach. Plano, Texas. February 2023.
  • Cardiovascular Innovations Conference. Transcervical Carotid Stenting, Will it Change Our Practice? Austin, Texas. July 2023.
  • Texas Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons Annual Meeting. Successful Repair of Syphilitic Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm. Houston, Texas November 2023.
  • Texas Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons Annual Meeting, Hybrid Repair of a Non-retro-esophageal Aberrant Subclavian Kommerell’s Diverticulum with Branched Graft. Houston, Texas. November 2023. 
  • UCSF/USP Vascular Symposium. FB-EVAR Rescue of Previous Open TAAA. Sao Paulo, BR, December, 2023.



  • TED Conference. EVAR is the Treatment of Choice for Ruptured AAA. Chimney, Snorkel are Easier and Simpler Repairs for TAAA’s. Scottsdale, Az, February 17, 2024. 
  • Texas Surgical Society Meeting, Outcomes of Zpne 0 Tevar/Hybrid Arch Repair Compared to Open Arch Repair. Waco, Texas. April 5-7th, 2024.
  • Charring Cross Symposium. TREO Abdominal Stent Graft System. Ideal Treatment of Aortic Aneurysms and Future Applications. London, England. April 24th, 2024.
  • Cardiovascular Innovations. How I Perform PMEG’s without and IDE. Denver, CO. July 18th, 2024.