
  • Tulane University Medical School, MD (1976-1980)
  • University of Notre Dame, BS (1976)


Post-Doctoral Training

  • Research Fellow, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School (1985-1986)
  • Fellow, Peripheral Vascular Surgery, Preceptor Jesse E. Thompson, MD, Baylor University Medical Center (1986-1987)
  • Resident, Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Memorial Hospital (1980-1985)

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery (1986, recertified 1995)
  • American Board of Surgery – Added Qualifications in Vascular Surgery (1989, recertified 1998, 2008)


Medical Licensures

  • Texas (1986-present)
  • Louisiana (1980-present)

Professional Societies

  • American College of Surgeons
  • Southern Surgical Association
  • International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • Southern Association for Vascular Surgery
  • Jesse E. Thompson, M.D. Surgical Society
  • Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery
  • International Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Texas Surgical Society
  • Texas Medical Association
  • American College of Surgeons
  • Dallas County Medical Society
  • Dallas Society of General Surgeons

Hospital Appointments

  • Chair, Department of Vascular Surgery, Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular Hospital
  • Chief, Division of Vascular Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center
  • Attending Surgeon and Teaching Faculty, Department of Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center 


Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Surgery, Texas A&M Health Sciences Center 
  • Program Director, Postgraduate Training in Vascular Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center 


Professional Appointments

  • Associate Examiner/Senior Examiner, American Board of Surgery Vascular Surgery Certifying Examination


Committee Appointments

  • Baylor University Medical Center, Committee on Credentials
  • Baylor University Medical Center, Committee on Intensive Care
  • Baylor University Medical Center, Committee on Medical Education
  • Baylor University Medical Center, Committee on Institutional Ethics
  • Baylor University Medical Center, Committee on Allied Health Professionals
  • Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular, Hospital Quality Assurance Committee
  • Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular, Medical Executive Committee
  • Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular, Committee on Pharmacy and Therapeutics
  • Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular, Committee on Infections
  • Baylor Hamilton Heart and Vascular, Committee on Credentials


Editorial Appointments

  • Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings

  • Best Doctors in America (2009-2016)
  • Texas Super Docs (2008-2016)
  • Best Doctors in Dallas (1998-2019)
  • Baylor 5-Star Spirit Award (Multiple awards based on patient and nursing staff feedback)


  • Pearl GJ, “Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in the High-Performance Athlete” American Medical Society for Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, April 2019
  • Pearl GJ, “Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in the High-Performance Athlete” MLB Winter Meetings, Las Vegas, NV December 2018



  • Pearl GJ, Rios AL, Parsa P, Eidt JF, Hohmann SE.  “A Novel Surgical Approach to Symptomatic Left Renal Vein Aneurysm” Poster Presentation, Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 45th Annual Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, FL, March 2017.
  • Pearl GJ, Rios AL, Parsa P, Eidt JF, Hohmann SE, Grimsley BR.  “Endovascular Treatment of Nutcracker Syndrome:  A Case Report” Video Presentation, Southern Association for Vascular Syrgery 41st Annual Meeting, Naples, FL, January 2017
  • Pearl GJ, Parsa P, Rios AL, Cantu K, Eidt JF.  “A Durable Open Repair of a Rare Profunda Aneurysm” Annals of Vascular Surgery, January 2017
  • Pearl GJ, Parsa P, Dao A, Young A, Shutze WP.  Competitive Athletes:  Immediate and Long-Term Results of First Rib Resection and Scalenectomy for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.  Southern Association for Vascular Surgery.  Naples, FL, January 2017



  • Pearl GJ, Rios AL, Parsa P, Eidt JF, Hohmann SE, Grimsley BR.  “Endovascular Treatment oi Nutcracker Syndrome:  A Case Report and Literature Review” Texas Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, November 2016.
  • Pearl GL.  “Outcomes of Treatment for Thoracic Outlet Syndromes in Competitive Athletes and Other At-Risk Occupations.  American College of Surgeons, Fall Clinical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2016.



  • Shutze Sr WP, Kane K, Hicks T, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE, Dunn TJ, Grimsley BR, Gable DR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL.  “The Incident and Outcome of DVT after Endovenous Laser Ablation.  Southern Association for Vascular Surgery 2015 Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, January 14 – 17, 2015



  • Shutze WP, Kane K, Fisher T, Bennett M, Doud Y, Shutze Jr W, Hicks T, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE, Dunn, Grimsley BR, Gable DR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL “The effect of wavelength on EHT after EVLA”.   30th Annual Texas Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Austin, Texas, October 2014
  • Pearl GJ, “Open Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm” Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Bootcamp, Houston, TX, August 16-17, 2014
  • Pearl GJ.  “Diagnosis and Imaging Thoracoabdominal Aneurysm” Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Bootcamp.   Houston, TX, August 16-17-2014
  • Liechty J, Fisher T, Grimsley BR, Shutze WP, Hohmann SE, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Kedora JC, Dunn T, Hicks T, Ogleve W.  “Axillary-Axillary Arteriovenous PTFE Grafts for Hemodialysis in Difficult Access Patients”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2014
  • Lee A, Hicks T, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE, Dunn T, Grimsley BR, Gable DR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Vasquez J, Shutze WP.  “Iliac Snorkel Technique for Internal Iliac Artery Preservation During Endovascular Aneurysm Repair”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2014
  • Kane K, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP et al.  “DVT Following EVLT for Superficial Venous Insufficiency”.  Southern Association for Vascular Surgery.  Palm Beach, FL January 2014



  • Pearl GJ.  “Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm”.  Methodist – Debakey Cardiovascular Bootcamp. Houston, TX, August 18 – 19, 2013
  • Pearl GJ.  “Treatment of Renal Artery Stenosis”. Methodist Debakey Cardiovascular Bootcamp, Houston, TX, August 18 – 19, 2013 
  • Lee A, Shutze WP, Pearl GJ.  “Successful Exclusion of a Persistent Sciatic Artery Aneurysm with an Amplatzer Plug”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2013



  • Pearl GJ.  “The Use of Autologous Stem Cells in the Treatment of Critical Limb Ischemia”. National Congress of Angiology – Mexico, Cancun, Mexico, December 2012



  • Pearl GJ. “Upper Extremity Ischemia”.  97th Annual Clinical Congress of The American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, CA, October 23-27, 2011
  • Liechty J, Pearl GJ, Fisher T, Grimsley BR, Shutze WP.  “Primary Patency in Axillary-Axillary Arteriovenous PTFE Grafts for Hemodialysis in Difficult Access Patients”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2011.
  • Gierman JL, Shutze WP, Pearl GJ, Hohmann SE, Smith BL, Gable, DR, et al.  “Treatment of Proximal Vertebral Artery Disease”.  35th Annual Meeting Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, FL, January 19-22, 2011
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Neurovascular Disorders in the Throwing Athlete”.  2011 Baseball Medicine Conference Annual Meeting.  Fort Worth, Texas, January 6-8, 2011.



  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Open vs Percutaneous Femoral-Popliteal Bypass”.  35th Annual Northwestern Vascular Symposium, Chicago, IL., December 9-11, 2010.
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Management of Renal Artery Fibromuscular Dysplasia”.  Methodist – Debakey Vascular Fellows Bootcamp, Getting the Basics.  Houston, TX, August 20-22, 2010.
  • Gable DR, McQuade K, Pearl GJ, Theune B.  Four-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease.  Southern Assoc for Vasc Surg, Paradise Island, Bahamas.  January 21, 2010.
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Management of Arterial Complications of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”.  Methodist – Debakey, Vascular Fellows Bootcamp, Getting the Basics.  Houston, TX, August 20-22, 2010
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Endovascular Management of Visceral Occlusive Disease”.  Methodist – Debakey, Vascular Fellows Bootcamp, Getting the Basics.  Houston, TX, August 20-22, 2010



  • Gable Dr, McQuade K, Pearl GJ, Theune B.  Four-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease.  Australian/New Zealand-SVS, Sydney, Australia, October 3, 2009.
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Open Surgical Management of Carotid Disease”.  Methodist – Debakey Vascular Fellows Bootcamp, Getting the Basics.  Houston, TX.  August 21-23, 2009.
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “Diagnosis and Imaging of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome”.  Methodist – Debakey Cardiovascular Bootcamp, Getting the Basics.  Houston, TX.  August 21-23, 2009.
  • McQuade K, Gable DR, Hohmann SE, Pearl GJ, Theune B.  Two-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease.  Charing Cross Vascular Meeting, London, England, April 4, 2009.



  • Pearl GJ, Invited Discussant, “Selective Stenting in Subintimal Angioplasty: Analysis of Primary Stent Outcomes”.  32nd Annual Meeting, Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, FL, Jan. 19, 2008.
  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “The Evolving Paradigm in the Training and Certification in Vascular Surgery”.  Texas Surgical Society, Dallas, TX 2008.



  • Pearl GJ, Presenter, “How to Incorporate CT angio Into Your Practice.” SAVS 31st Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 2007, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.



  • Pearl GJ, Moderator, “Imaging in Vascular Disease”, Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 34th Annual Symposium, March 2006, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Pearl GJ, Garrett, WV, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Dunn TJ, Kedora John, Hohmann, SE, “Mid-term Comparison of Percutaneous Viabahn Stent Graft vs Conventional Surgical Femoral Bypass in the treatment of Superficial Arterial Occlusive disease”, Society for Vascular Surgery, June 2006, Philadelphia, PA
  • Pearl GJ, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Dunn TJ, Kedora, John, Hohmann Stephen, “Mid-term Comparison of Percutaneous Viabahn Stent Graft vs Conventional Surgical Femoral Bypass in the treatment of Superficial Arterial Occlusive Disease”, North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, TX, February 25, 2006.
  • Pearl GJ, Invited discussant, “Therapeutic Planning in the Treatment of Arterial Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.  30th Annual Meeting, Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Phoenix, AZ, January 18, 2006.



  • Hohmann SE, Gable DR., Grimsley BR. Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Garrett WV, Lamont JP, Carlo JC, Hamilton C, Shutze WP.  Evaluation of Iliac Venous Stenting in May-Thurner Syndrome. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons 44th Annual Meeting, February 25-26, 2005, Dallas, Texas.
  • Hohmann SE, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Garrett, WV, Lamont J, Carlo J, Hamilton C, Shutze WP.  Long Term Evaluation of Iliac Vein Stenting in May-Thurner Syndrome.  Presented to the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery 29th Annual Meeting, January 19-22, 2005, Marco Island, Florida.



  • Gable DR, Munschauer CE, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Grimsley BR.  Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital.  Presented to the Texas Transplantation Society June 24, 2004, Austin, Texas.
  • Pearl, GJ.  Predictors of Successful Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation.  Clinical Update:  Advances in Hemodialysis Vascular Access.  San Antonio, Texas, April 24, 2004.



  • Gable Dr, Munschauer CE, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Grimsley BR.  Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital.  Presented at Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society 13th Annual Winter Meeting, Snowmass, Colorado, January 31 – February 2, 2003.



  • Stroman DL, Smith BL, Goldstein RM, Pearl GJ, Gable DR.  Treatment of the septic aorta with in-situ cadaveric homograft.  Presented at Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 30th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 14, 2002.
  • Gable DR, Bergamini T, Garrett WV, Hise J, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Pearl GJ, Grimsley BR. Intermediate follow-up of carotid artery stent placement.  Presented at 41st Annual Meeting of the North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February 22, 2002.
  • Pearl GJ. Symposium for Vascular Access for Hemodialysis. University of Texas at Southwestern Medical School.  Dallas, Texas, February 2, 2002.



  • Patetsios PP, Shutze WP, Holden B, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Gable DR, Grimsley BR.  Repair of a mycotic aneurysm of the infrarenal aorta with HIV, using a palmaz stent and autologous femoral vein graft.  Presented at 15th Annual Eastern Vascular Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 3-6, 2001.



  • Pearl, GJ.  Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas, October 10, 2000.



  • Pearl GJ. Integration of Interventional and Endovascular Procedures in Vascular Surgery Residency. Texas Surgical Society, Dallas, Texas, April 10, 1999.



  • Pearl GJ.  Nonoperative Management of the Patient with Peripheral Vascular Disease. Advanced Nursing Symposium, Dallas, Texas, August 20, 1998.
  • Thompson JE, Smith BL, Noel BL, Pearl GJ, et al.    Is Carotid Endarterectomy Indicated in the Very Elderly and If So, Why?  Indications in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 20th Charing Cross International Symposium, London, England, April 20, 1998.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Noel BL, Pearl GJ, et al.  Carotid Endarterectomy in Octogenarians. Texas Surgical Society, Waco, Texas, April 5, 1998.
  • Pearl GJ.  Course Moderator for Interdisciplinary Approach to Vascular Disease: Complex Problems and Possible Solutions, Palm Beach, Florida, April 3, 1998.



  • Pearl GJ.  Vascular Surgery: Carotid Endarterectomy, Surgeon’s Perspective. Interdisciplinary Aspects of Perianesthesia Nursing – Anesthesia Workshop for Nurses, Dallas, Texas, October 31, 1997.
  • Pearl GJ.  Current Status of the Treatment of Extra-Cranial Cerebrovascular Disease. Second Annual Baylor Cardiovascular Institute Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 3, 1997.
  • Pearl GJ, Allen RC, Garrett WV, Talkington CM, Smith BL, and Thompson JE.  Popliteal Artero-Venous Fistula and Venous Aneurysm: A Therapeutic Dilemma. Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 25th Annual Symposium, Naples, Florida, March 12, 1997.
  • Smith BL, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, and Thompson JE. Carotid Endarterectomies in the Elderly: Morbidity and Time to Recovery of Activities of Daily Living.  American College of Surgeons North Texas Chapter Meeting, February 28, 1997.
  • Pearl GJ.  Interdisciplinary Approach to Vascular Disease: Complex Problems and Possible Solutions Symposium (Moderator and Course Director) Palm Springs, California, February 1997.
  • Martin G, Allen RC, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, and Thompson JE. Recurrent Carotid Stenosis: Surgical Reconstruction with PTFE Interposition Grafts.  American College of Surgeons North Texas Chapter Meeting, February 1997.
  • Martin G, Allen RC, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, and Thompson JE.  Carotid Endarterectomies in Patients Less Than 50 Years Old. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, San Diego, California, January 21, 1997.



  • Pearl GJ.  Mesenteric Ischemia: Surgical Treatment. Vascular Diagnosis and Treatment Fourth Annual Symposium, Dallas, Texas, October 1996. 
  • Thompson JE, Allen RC, Pearl GJ, et al.  Carotid Artery Measurement in Terms of Degree of Stenosis: Evidence from the NASCET and ECST Studies.  Charing Cross International Symposium: Trials and Tribulations of Vascular Surgeons, London, England, April, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al.  Synchronous Popliteal Artery Entrapment and Adventitial Cystic Disease.  Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery, Rancho Mirage, California, March, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Martin G, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al.  Management of Co existent Surgical Carotid and Coronary Artery Disease: A Review of Staged Versus Simultaneous Operations. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February, 1996.
  • Kourlis H, Martin G, Allen RC, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al. Carotid Body Paragangliomas: The Baylor Experience.  North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February, 1996.
  • Thompson JE, Allen RC, Martin G, Pearl GJ, et al.  Defining the Degree of Significant Carotid Artery Stenosis:  NASCET Versus ECST and Duplex Criteria. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Martin G, Rees C, Rivera F, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al.  Mesenteric Angioplasty in the Treatment of Chronic Intestinal Ischemia.  Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, Florida, January, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Garrett WV, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al.  Mycotic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Combined Aorto – Enteric and Aorto – Vena Cava Fistula. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, Florida, January, 1996.



  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al. Spontaneous Aortic Dissection: Management of Acute and Chronic.  World Congress – International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyoto, Japan, September, 1995.
  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Pearl GJ, et al.  Acute Aortic Dissections: Iatrogenic Injuries.  World Congress – International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyoto, Japan, September, 1995.
  • Macias C, Allen RC, Pearl GJ.  Acute Aortic Dissection: Iatrogenic Injuries. Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February, 1995.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Hypercoagulable States and Clinical Implications.  Symposium on Critical Issues in Nursing, A. Webb Roberts Continuing Medical Education, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, May, 1992.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Mesenteric Ischemia.  Surgical Intensive Care Nursing Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, May, 1991.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Mesenteric Ischemia. Dallas Society of General Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, January, 1991.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Vascular Surgical Emergencies. Surgical Intensive Care Nursing Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, September, 1990.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Controversies in Carotid Artery Surgery. Residents Conference, Department of General Surgery, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, November, 1989.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL. Lower Extremity Revascularization. Multidisciplinary Transplant Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, November, 1989.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Renovascular Hypertension.  Surgery Basic Science Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, April, 1988.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Management of Extracranial Cerebrovascular Occlusive Disease.  Critical Issues in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease, Texas Cardiology Conference, Dallas, Texas, March, 1988.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Critical Issues in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease. Texas Cardiology Conference, Dallas, Texas, March, 1988.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease in the Transplant Patient.  Multidisciplinary Transplant Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, October, 1988.
  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  The Diabetic Foot. Texas Podiatry Association Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, May, 1988.



  • Pearl GJ, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL.  The Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory.  Vascular Surgery Conference, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, November, 1987.