Dennis Gable, MD, FACS, DFSVS, RVT is a vascular surgeon in Plano, Texas with Texas Vascular Associates, PA. He is board certified in general and vascular surgery. He is the Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the Baylor Scott and White Heart Hospital Plano. Dr Gable is a graduate of Baylor University with a BA in chemistry. He received his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas in 1992 and completed a general surgery residency at University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky in 1997. He completed a fellowship in peripheral vascular surgery at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas in 1997.
Dr. Gable is a Distinguished Fellow for the Society for Vascular Surgery and has served as the Chair for multiple committees in the Society. He currently serves as the Chair for the SVS Quality Council. He is a member of the Executive Committee for the Vascular Quality Initiative quality database for the Society for Vascular Surgery. Dr Gable is a member of multiple national and regional societies and is the past President of the Texas Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society. Dr Gable has authored several book chapters as well as over 100 peer reviewed journal articles. He has been the invited speaker for vascular surgery and has made presentations in over 15 countries around the globe. He participates and /or is the primary investigator on numerous research studies, many of which continue to be ongoing.
Baylor College of Medicine, MD (1992)
Baylor University, BA Chemistry with Honors (1988)
Post-Doctoral Training
Vascular Surgery Fellowship, Baylor University Medical Center (1997-1998)
General Surgery Residency, University of Louisville (1993-1997)
General Surgery Internship, University of Louisville (1992-1993)
Board Certifications
American Board of Surgery – General Surgery
American Board of Surgery – Vascular Surgery
American Board of Surgery – Board Examiner for Special Qualifications in Vascular Surgery
Other Certifications
Registered Vascular Technologist
Basic Life Support Provider
Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider
Professional Societies
Society for Vascular Surgery
Southern Association for Vascular Surgery
American College of Surgeons
Texas Medical Association
Texas Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Dallas County Medical Society
Jesse E. Thompson Medical Society
Hiram C. Polk, Jr. Surgical Society
Hospital Appointments
Director, Vascular Center of Excellence, Baylor Scott & White Heart Hospital Plano
Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Baylor Scott & White Heart Hospital Plano
Chief of Vascular Surgery, Baylor Scott & White Regional Medical Center Plano
Academic Appointments
Professor of Surgery, Texas Christian University Burnett School of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Texas A&M Medical School
Editorial Appointments
Reviewer, Journal for Vascular Surgery
Reviewer, Annals of Vascular Surgery
Editorial Board, Vascular Specialist
Editorial Board, Baylor Proceedings
Gable D. Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Disease with WL Gore Thoracic Endograft. Veith Symposium. New York, NY, November 14, 2023.
Gable D. The Role of the Endovascular Surgeon in PE Care and PERT in 2023. SVS, National Harbor, Maryland, 2023.
Gable D. Manta Vascular Closure Device. SVS Live, National Harbor, Maryland. June 15, 2023.
Gable D. Surgical Debranching versus Branched Endografting in Zone 2 Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair. Charing Cross Symposium, London, England. April 27, 2023.
Russell N, Sayfo S, George T, Gable D. Impact of a Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT) on the Management and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism. SAVS, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 2023.
Baxter RD, Hansen SK, Gable CE, DiMaio JM, Shutze WP, Gable DR. Outcomes of open versus percutaneous access for patients enrolled in the GREAT registry. Charing Cross Symposium, London, England, April 19, 2021.
Shutze W, Baxter R, Gable C, Harrington K, Schaffer J, Moore D, Brinkman W, Gable D, DiMaio M. Comparison of surgical debranching versus branched endografts in zone 2 TEVAR. SCVS, Miami, FL, March 17, 2021.
Squires J, Bastawros D, Applewhite A, Baxter R, Faliu Y, Quan P, Yu S, Thatcher J, D Maio J, Gable D. Machine learning analysis of multispectral imaging and clinical risk factors to predict amputation wound healing. SAVS, Scottsdale, AZ, January 28, 2021.
Gable DR, Arko FR. Fragile Aorta. International Webex Sponsored by Medtronic, August 20, 2020.
Baxter R, Hansen S, DiMaio M, Shutze W, Gable D. Outcomes of open versus percutaneous access for patients enrolled in the GREAT Registry. Veith Symposium, New York, NY, November 19, 2019.
Gable D. The spectrum and advances in endovascular aortic disease treatment with W Gore. WL Gore Technology Forum, Phoenix, AZ, March 4, 2019.
Gable D. Clinical Experience with the Gore Thoracic Branched Graft. Veith Symposium, New York, NY, November 16, 2017.
Gable D. The role of the Viabahn stent graft in the SFA as an endoluminal bypass in long de-novo lesions. WL Gore Technology Forum, San Jose, CA, November 5, 2017.
Gable D. The role of the Viabahn stent graft in the SFA as an endoluminal bypass in long de-novo lesions. The 1st Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, October 16, 2017.
Gable D. 24 month results of the W.L. Gore Japan IDE clinical study and historical pro spective on treatment use in the SFA. Endovascology, Shanghai, China, October 14, 2017.
Gable D. The role of the Viabahn stent graft in the SFA as an endoluminal bypass in long de-novo lesions. Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai, China, October 12, 2017.
Shutze WP, Smith BL, Peal GJ, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Hohman SE, Kedora JC, Eidt JF. Sandwich technique for internal iliac artery preservation. SVS, Washington D.C., June 10, 2016.
Shutze WP, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Hohman SE, Kedora JC, Eidt JF. Results of endovascular repair of iliac artery aneurysms in the GREAT registry. SVS, Washington D.C., June 9, 2016.
Gable D. Building A Comprehensive Aortic Center Program. Medtronic Aortic Symposium, Denver, CO, Sept 18, 2015.
Gable D. RELINE Study: How the Data for In-Stent Re-Stenosis Lesions Influence My Practice. Veith Symposium, New York, NY, November 20, 2014.
Gable D. Clinical Success and Technical Considerations for Covered Stents in the SFA:Key Learning from the VIPER and VIASTAR Studies. LINC, Leipzig, Germany. January 29, 2014.
Gable D. How Cost Should Impact Treatment Strategies for Management of SFA Occlusive Disease? Veith Symposium, New York, New York. November 21, 2013.
Gable D. What does the 1-year VIPER data indicate? Gore Symposium. SVS, Washington, DC, June 6, 2012.
Gable, D. Is there a connection between stent graft oversizing and outcomes? What Does the 1-year VIPER data indicate? Charing Cross Vascular Meeting, London, England, April 14, 2012.
Gable D. Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease; Current Options. WL Gore National Launch Symposium. Seoul, South Korea. Oct 12, 2011.
Gable, D. The Role of Covered Stent Grafts in the Superficial Femoral Artery. WL Gore National Launch Meeting, Seoul, South Korea. Oct 8, 2011.
Gable, D. The Role of SFA Endoluminal Bypass in Long De-Novo Lesions. WL Gore National Sales Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona. May 4, 2011.
Gable D. Four-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease. Veith Symposium, New York, New York. November 18, 2010.
Gable D. Four-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease. W.L. Gore Asia –Pacific Endovascular Symposium. Hong Kong, China. August 6, 2010.
Gable D, McQuade K, Pearl G, Theune B. Four-year randomized prospective comparison of percutaneous ePTFE/nitinol self-expanding stent graft vs prosthetic femoral-popliteal bypass in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease. Southern Assoc for Vasc Surg, Paradise Island, Bahamas. January 21, 2010.
Gable, DR. Group Practice Models: Communist, Socialist, Capitalist, Hospitalist. SVS, Moderator community practice breakfast session. Denver, CO, June 13,2009.
Gable DR. Endovascular treatment of the superficial femoral artery. Presented at the European Society of Vascular Surgery, Nice, France, September 5, 2008.
Kedora JC, Hohman SE, Dunn TL, Garrett WV, Grimsley BR, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Smith BL, Gable DR. Mid-Term Comparison of Percutaneous Viabahn Stent-Grafts versus Conventional Femoral-Popliteal Bypass in the Treatment of Superficial Femoral Arterial Occlusive Disease. Presented at Society for Vascular Surgery Annual Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 1-4, 2006.
Kedora JC, HohmannSE, Dunn TL, Garret WV, Grimsley BR, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Smith BL, Gable DR. Comparison of Viabahn Stent Grafts versus Conventional Femoral-Popliteal Bypass in the Treatment of Superficial Femoral Artery Occlusive Disease. Presented at 45th Annual Meeting of the North Texas Chapter of the ACS, Dallas, Texas, February 24-25, 2006.
Gable DR. Lower extremity peripheral arterial occlusive disease. The Baylor Heart and Vascular Cardiovascular Symposium, Dallas, Texas, August 14, 2004.
Davidson IJ, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Nichols D, Munschauer CE. Vascular access survival following banding for hand ischemia. Presented at The III International Congress of the Vascular Access Society, Lisbon, Portugal, May 21-23, 2003.
Gable DR, Munschauer CE, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Grimsley BR. Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital. Presented at Peripheral
Vascular Surgery Society 13th Annual Winter Meeting, Snowmass, Colorado, January 31-February 2, 2003.
Gable DR, Munschauer CE. Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital. Presented at ESRD Network Thirteen Symposium:Vascular Access for Hemodialysis, Dallas, Texas, July 20, 2002.
Gable DR, Munschauer CE. Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital. Presented at Vascular Access for Hemodialysis Conference, Palm Springs, California, May 10, 2002.
Stroman DL, Smith BL, Goldstein RM, Pearl GJ, Gable DR. Treatment of the septic aorta with in-situ cadaveric homograft. Presented at Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 30th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada March 14, 2002.
Gable DR, Bergamini T, Garrett WV, Hise J, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Pearl G, Grimsley BR. Intermediate follow-up of carotid artery stent placement. Presented at 41st Annual Meeting of the North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February 22, 2002.
Stratmann SL, Kuhn JA, Bell MS, Gable DR. Comparison of quick parathyroid assay for uniglandular and multiglandular parathyroid disease. Presented at 41st Annual Meeting of the North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February 22, 2002.
Gable DR. Reperfusion injury in the vascular patient. Presented at Seminar for Advanced Vascular Nursing, Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, Texas, October 19, 2001.
Patetsios PP, Shutze W, Holden B, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Gable DR, Grimsley BR. Repair of a mycotic aneurysm of the infrarenal aorta with HIV, using a palmaz stent and autologous femoral vein graft. Presented at 15th Annual Eastern Vascular Society Meeting, Washington, D.C., May 3-6, 2001.
Gable DR. Application of endovascular therapy. Presented at Seminar for Advanced Vascular Nursing, Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, August 20, 1998.
Carrillo EH, Schmacht DC, Gable DR, Fulton RL, Richardson JD. Thoracoscopy in the management of persistent post-traumatic pneumothorax. Presented at the Paper Session of the 83rd Annual Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois, October 16, 1997.
Gable DR, Bergamini TM, Livingston CK, Richardson JD. Surgical implications of hypercoagulable syndromes. Presented at the 64th Annual Scientific Meeting and Postgraduate Course Program of the Southeastern Surgical Congress, Tampa, Florida February 4-7, 1996.
Edwards MJ, Gable DR, Richardson JD. The rationale for esophagectomy as the optimal therapy for Barrett’s esophagus with high grade dysplasia. Presented at the 107th Annual Session of the Southern Surgical Association, Hot Springs, Virginia December 3-6, 1995.