
  • University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas, MD (1970-1974)
  • Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, BA in English (1966-1970)

Post-Doctoral Training

  • Vascular Surgery Fellowship, Vanderbilt St. Thomas Hospital, Nashville, Tennessee (1979-1980)
  • General Surgery Residency, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas (1974-1979)

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Surgery
  • Special Certification in Vascular Surgery
  • Recertification

Professional Societies

  • American Medical Association
  • Dallas County Medical Society
  • Texas Medical Association
  • Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society
  • American College of Surgeons, Fellow
  • Southern Association for Vascular Surgery
  • Dallas Society of General Surgeons
  • American Association of Vascular Surgery
  • Texas Surgical Society

Hospital Appointments

  • Baylor University Medical Center, Attending Surgeon
  • The Heart Hospital at Plano, Attending Surgeon
  • Baylor Richardson Hospital, Attending Surgeon
  • Doctors Hospital, Attending

Academic Appointments

  • Clinical Associate Professor in Surgery, University of Texas Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas


  • Smith BL. Post Carotid Endarterectomy Hypertension: The Role of Cerebral Renin. North Texas Chapter, American College of Surgeons, February, 1984.
  • Smith BL. Persistent Sciatic Artery. North Texas Chapter, American College of Surgeons, March 1985
  • Smith BL. Cervical Approach to Symptomatic Vertebral Occlusion at the C Level. North Texas Chapter, American College of Surgeons, March, 1986.
  • Smith BL. Prospectives and Controversies in Vascular Surgery. Present at AUST Surgical Society, June, 1987.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. The Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory. Vascular Surgery Conference. Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. November, 1987.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Management of Extracranial Cerebrovascular Occlusive Disease. Critical Issues in the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease. Texas Cardiology Conference. Dallas, Texas. March, 1988.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Renovascular Hypertension. Surgery Basic Science Conference. Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. April, 1988.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. The Diabetic Foot. Texas Podiatry Association Convention. Dallas, Texas. May, 1988.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Atherosclerotic Occlusive Disease in the Transplant Patient. Multidisciplinary Transplant Conference. Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. October, 1988.
  • Smith BL. The Role of Lasers in Vascular Surgery. North Texas Chapter, American College of Surgeons, March, 1989.
  • Smith BL. Preservation of Femoral Graft Patency with Surveillance and Revision.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Lower Extremity Revascularization. Multidisciplinary Transplant Conference. Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. November, 1989.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Controversies in Carotid Artery Surgery. Residents Conference. Department of General Surgery Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. November, 1989.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Vascular Surgical Emergencies. Surgical Intensive Care Nursing Conference. Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, Texas. September, 1990.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Mesenteric Ischemia, Dallas Society of General Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. January, 1991.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Mesenteric Ischemia. Surgical Intensive Care Nursing Conference. Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. May, 1991.
  • Smith BL, Thompson JE, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ. Hypercoagulable States and Clinical Implications. Symposium on Critical Issues in Nursing. A. Webb Roberts Continuing Medical Education, Baylor University Medical Center. Dallas, Texas. May, 1992.
  • Smith BL. Comparative evaluation of present and past methods of limb preservation by arterial embolectomy. North Texas Chapter, American College for Surgeons, February, 1994.
  • Smith BL. Discussion: Carotid Stenosis. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, June, 1994.
  • Smith BL. Discussion: Stroke Rate Markedly Reduced Following Carotid TEA by use for Protamine. M.C. Maurrey, et al. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, January 25-28, 1995, Cancun, Mexico. 
  • Macias C, Allen RC, Smith BL. Acute Aortic Dissection:  Iatrogenic Injuries. Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1995.
  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Acute Aortic Dissections: Iatrogenic Injuries. World Congress – International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery. Kyoto, Japan. September, 1995.
  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Spontaneous Aortic Dissection: Management of Acute and Chronic. World Congress – International Society of Cardiovascular Surgery. Kyoto, Japan. September, 1995.
  • Allen RC, Garrett WV, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Mycotic Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Combined Aorto – Enteric and Aorto – Vena Cava Fistula. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery. Naples, Florida. January, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Martin G, Rees C, Rivera F, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Mesenteric Angioplasty in the Treatment of Chronic Intestinal Ischemia. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery. Naples, Florida. January, 1996.
  • Thompson JE, Allen RC, Martin G, Smith BL, et al. Defining the Degree of Significant Carotid Artery Stenosis:  NASCET Versus ECST and Duplex Criteria. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1996.
  • Kourlis H, Martin G, Allen RC, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Carotid Body Paragangliomas: The Baylor Experience. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Martin G, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Management of Coexistent Surgical Carotid and Coronary Artery Disease: A Review of Staged Versus Simultaneous Operations. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1996.
  • Allen RC, Talkington CM, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Synchronous Popliteal Artery Entrapment and Adventitial Cystic Disease. Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery. Rancho Mirage, California. March, 1996.
  • Thompson JE, Allen RC, Smith BL, et al. Carotid Artery Measurement in Terms of Degree of Stenosis: Evidence from the NASCET and ECST Studies. Charing Cross International Symposium: Trials and Tribulations of Vascular Surgeons. London, England. April, 1996.
  • Martin G, Allen RC, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl G, and Thompson J. Carotid Endarterectomies in Patients Less Than 50 Years Old. Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, San Diego, California. January 21-25, 1997.
  • Smith BL, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, and Thompson JE. Carotid Endarterectomies in the Elderly: Morbidity and Time to Recovery of Activities of Daily Living. American College of Surgeons North Texas Chapter Meeting. February 28, 1997.
  • Martin G, Allen RC, Noel B, Talkington CM, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, and Thompson JE. Recurrent Carotid Stenosis: Surgical Reconstruction with PTFE Interposition Grafts. American College of Surgeons North Texas Chapter Meeting. February 1997.
  • Pearl GJ, Allen RC, Garrett WV, Talkington CM, Smith BL, and Thompson JE. Popliteal Artererial-Venous Fistula and Venous Aneurysm: A Therapeutic Dilemma. Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery 25th Annual Symposium. Naples, Florida. March 12-16, 1997.
  • Thompson JE, Smith BL, Noel BL, et al.  Is Carotid Endarterectomy Indicated in the Very Elderly and If So, Why?  Indications in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 20th Charing Cross International Symposium, London, April 20-21, 1998.
  • Patetsios PP, Shutze WP, Holden B, Garrett WV, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Gable DR, Grimsley BR.  Repair of a mycotic aneurysm of the infrarenal aorta with HIV, using a palmaz stent and autologous femoral vein graft.  Presented at 15th Annual Eastern Vascular Society Meeting, Washington, DC, May 3-6, 2001.
  • Gable DR, Bergamini T, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Pearl GJ, Grimsley BR.  Intermediate follow-up of carotid artery stent placement.  Presented at 41st Annual Meeting of the North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, Texas, February 22, 2002.
  • Stroman DL, Smith BL, Goldstein RM, Pearl GJ, Gable DR.  Treatment of the septic aorta with in situ cadaveric homograft.  Presented at Society of Clinical Vascular Surgery 30th Annual Symposium on Vascular Surgery, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 4, 2002.
  • Gable DR, Munschauer CE, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Pearl GJ, Shutze WP, Grimsley BR.  Vascular access coordination at a large tertiary care hospital.  Presented to the Texas Transplantation Society June 24, 2004, Austin, Texas.
  • Davidson IJ, Gable  DR, Garrett WV, Grimsley BR, Smith BL, Nicholas D, Munschauer CE.  Vascular access survival following banding for hand ischemia.  Presented to the Texas Transplantation Society June 24, 2004, Austin, Texas.
  • Hohmann, SE, Gable DR., Grimsley BR. Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Garrett WV, Lamont JP, Carlo JC, Hamilton C, Shutze WP.  Evaluation of Iliac Venous Stenting in May-Thurner Syndrome. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons 44th Annual Meeting, February 25-26, 2005, Dallas, Texas.
  • Hohmann SE, Gable DR Grimsley BR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Garrett, WV, Lamont, Jeffrey, Carlo John, Hamilton Cody, Shutze WP.  Long Term Evaluation of Iliac Vein Stenting in May-Thurner Syndrome.  Presented to the Southern Association for Vascular Surgery 29th Annual Meeting, January 19-22, 2005, Marco Island, Florida.
  • Pearl GJ, Garrett WV, Smith BL, Shutze WP, Gable Dr, Grimsley BR, Dunn TJ, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE.  Mid-Term Comparison of Percutaneous Viabahn Stent Graft vs Conventional Surgical Femoral Bypass in the treatment of Superficial Arterial Occlusive Disease.  North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Dallas, TX, February 25, 2006.
  • Pearl GJ, Garrett, WV, Smith BL, Gable DR, Grimsley BR, Dunn TJ, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE.  Mid-term Comarison of Percutaneous Viabahn Stent Graft vs Conventional Surgical Femoral Bypass in the Treatment of Superficial Arterial Occlusive Disease.  Society for Vascular Surgery, June 2006, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Gierman JL, Shutze WP, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Gable DR, et al.  Treatment of Proximal Vertebral Disease.  35th Annual Meeting Southern Association for Vascular Surgery, Naples, FL, January 19-22, 2011.
  • Liechty J, Fisher T, Grimsley B, Shutze W, Hohmann S, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Kedora JC, Dunn T, Hicks T, Ogleve W.  “Axillary-Axillary Arteriovenous PTFE Grafts for Hemodialysis in Difficult Access Patients”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2014
  • Lee A, Hicks T, Kedora J, Hohmann S, Dunn T, Grimsley B, Gable D, Pearl GJ, Smith BL, Vasquez J, Shutze W.  “Iliac Snorkel Technique for Internal Iliac Artery Preservation During Endovascular Aneurysm Repair”.  North Texas Chapter American College of Surgeons, February 2014
  • Shutze W, Kane K, Fisher T, Bennett M, Doud Y, Shutze Jr W, Hicks T, Kedora JC, Hohmann SE, Dunn T, Grinsley BR, Gable DR, Pearl GJ, Smith BL.  “The effect of wavelength on EHIT after EVLA”, 30th Annual Texas Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Austin, Texas, October 2014 
  • Smith BL, Rios AL, Parsa P, Hohmann SE.  “Vertebral Artery Stenting:  A review of the literature”  Clinically Relevant Vascular & Endovascular Surgery (CARVE) 10th Annual Meeting, Vail, CO, February 2017.

Scientific Exhibits

  • Teruya T, Allen RC, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. A Comparison of Ruptured Thoracoabdominal and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1996.
  • Martin G, Allen RC, Thompson JE, Smith BL, et al. Vasculo-Behcet’s Syndrome:  A Spectrum of Disease. North Texas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons. Dallas, Texas. February, 1996.